Top prepping gear and survival supplies

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Survive Any Disaster with These Must-Have Prepping Essentials

Best prepping gear and survival supplies

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Survive Any Disaster with These Must-Have Prepping Essentials

Prepping is a vital aspect of survival that involves preparing for natural disasters, emergencies, or any other unexpected circumstances. It involves having the right prepping gear and survival supplies to help you and your family survive in the event of a disaster. In this article, we will discuss the must-have prepping gear and survival supplies that you should consider.

Prepping is not just for those living in areas prone to natural disasters; it's also important for everyone who wants to be prepared for the unexpected. With the right prepping gear and survival supplies, you can be ready to face any disaster.

In the following sections, we will discuss the prepping gear and survival supplies that you should consider. We have compiled information from various sources including Primal Survivor, Backdoor Survival, Survival World, Attainable Sustainable, and Man of Many to provide you with the most comprehensive guide to must-have prepping gear and survival supplies.


Water is the most important item to have in any survival situation. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, which can quickly become life-threatening. It's essential to have a proper water supply and the necessary equipment to purify it.

How much water to store

The general rule of thumb is to store one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. However, if possible, it's recommended to store at least a two-week supply of water.

Types of water storage containers

There are various types of water storage containers, including:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Water storage tanks
  • Water bricks
  • Collapsible water containers

Water filtration and purification methods

In addition to storing water, it's essential to have the necessary equipment to purify it. Here are some methods to consider:

  • Water filtration systems
  • Water purification tablets
  • Boiling water
  • UV water purifiers

Importance of water in survival situations

Water is an essential item to have in any survival situation. It's important to have a proper water supply and the necessary equipment to purify it. Without water, dehydration can quickly become life-threatening.

According to Primal Survivor, having water is the most important item in any survival situation. Primal Survivor recommends having at least a three-day supply of water per person.

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on water storage and purification methods, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.


Shelter is an essential item to have in any survival situation. It provides protection from the elements and can help keep you safe. There are various types of shelter to consider, and it's important to have the necessary equipment to build or set up shelter.

Types of shelter to consider

Here are some types of shelter to consider:

  • Tents
  • Tarps
  • Hammocks
  • Bivouac sacks
  • Emergency blankets

Importance of shelter in survival situations

Shelter is an essential item to have in any survival situation. It provides protection from the elements and can help keep you safe. Without shelter, exposure to the elements can lead to hypothermia, heat stroke, and other life-threatening conditions.

According to Primal Survivor, shelter is the second most important item in any survival situation. Primal Survivor recommends having a high-quality tent as well as a backup shelter option.

DIY shelter building tips

In addition to having shelter equipment, it's important to know how to build a shelter in case of an emergency. Here are some DIY shelter building tips:

  • Find a dry and level area to set up your shelter
  • Use natural materials such as leaves, branches, and pine needles to create insulation
  • Use a tarp or poncho to create a makeshift shelter

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on shelter and the necessary equipment to have, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.


Food is an essential item to have in any survival situation. It provides the necessary nutrients to keep you healthy and energized. There are various types of emergency food to consider, and it's important to have the necessary equipment to prepare it.

How much food to store

The general rule of thumb is to store at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food per person. However, if possible, it's recommended to store at least a two-week supply of food.

Types of emergency food to consider

Here are some types of emergency food to consider:

  • Canned goods
  • Dried fruits and vegetables
  • Energy bars
  • MREs (Meals Ready to Eat)
  • Freeze-dried food

DIY food preservation methods

In addition to having emergency food, it's important to know how to preserve food in case of an emergency. Here are some DIY food preservation methods:

  • Drying fruits and vegetables
  • Canning food
  • Smoking meat
  • Making jerky

Importance of food in survival situations

Food is an essential item to have in any survival situation. It provides the necessary nutrients to keep you healthy and energized. Without food, you can quickly become weak and unable to perform basic tasks.

According to Attainable Sustainable, having a stockpile of emergency food is essential for any survival situation. Attainable Sustainable recommends storing non-perishable food items such as legumes, grains, and canned goods.

Link to Attainable Sustainable article

For more information on emergency food and DIY food preservation methods, check out Attainable Sustainable's 100 Emergency Supplies for Survival.

First Aid

A well-stocked first aid kit is an essential item to have in any survival situation. It can help treat injuries and prevent infections. It's important to have the necessary equipment and knowledge to administer basic first aid.

Essential items for a first aid kit

Here are some essential items to have in a first aid kit:

  • Bandages
  • Gauze pads
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Pain relievers
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Thermometer
  • Disposable gloves
  • First aid manual

Importance of first aid in survival situations

First aid is an essential skill to have in any survival situation. Injuries can happen at any time, and it's important to have the necessary equipment and knowledge to treat them. Without proper first aid treatment, minor injuries can quickly become life-threatening.

According to Survival World, having a well-stocked first aid kit is one of the most important items for survival. Survival World recommends having multiple first aid kits and being trained in basic first aid.

DIY first aid tips

In addition to having a well-stocked first aid kit, it's important to know how to administer basic first aid. Here are some DIY first aid tips:

  • How to stop bleeding
  • How to treat burns
  • How to treat a sprain or strain
  • How to perform CPR

Link to Survival World article

For more information on first aid and the necessary equipment to have, check out Survival World's Prepper Supplies: The 7 Most Important Disaster Prepper Supplies for Beginners.


Maintaining good hygiene is essential in any survival situation. It can help prevent the spread of disease and keep you healthy. There are various items to consider when it comes to hygiene, and it's important to have the necessary equipment to stay clean.

Essential items for hygiene

Here are some essential items to have for hygiene:

  • Soap
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Wet wipes
  • Disposable gloves

Importance of hygiene in survival situations

According to Primal Survivor, maintaining good hygiene is essential in any survival situation. Primal Survivor recommends having the necessary equipment to stay clean and prevent the spread of disease.

DIY hygiene tips

In addition to having hygiene equipment, it's important to know how to maintain good hygiene in case of an emergency. Here are some DIY hygiene tips:

  • How to purify water for washing
  • How to make homemade soap
  • How to make a makeshift shower

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on hygiene and the necessary equipment to have, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.


Having a reliable source of light is essential in any survival situation. It can help you navigate in the dark and signal for help. There are various types of lighting equipment to consider, and it's important to have the necessary equipment to stay safe.

Essential lighting equipment

Here are some essential lighting equipment to have:

  • Flashlights
  • Headlamps
  • Lanterns
  • Candles
  • Glow sticks

Importance of lighting in survival situations

According to Primal Survivor, having a reliable source of light is essential in any survival situation. Primal Survivor recommends having multiple sources of light and extra batteries.

DIY lighting tips

In addition to having lighting equipment, it's important to know how to improvise lighting in case of an emergency. Here are some DIY lighting tips:

  • How to make a candle from animal fat
  • How to make a lantern from a soda can
  • How to make a solar-powered light

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on lighting and the necessary equipment to have, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.

Miscellaneous Items

In addition to the essential items, there are various miscellaneous items to consider when preparing for a survival situation. These items can improve your chances of survival and make the situation more comfortable.

Miscellaneous items to consider

Here are some miscellaneous items to consider:

  • Duct tape
  • Paracord
  • Multi-tool
  • Cash
  • Maps
  • Whistle
  • Sewing kit
  • Entertainment (books, cards, etc.)

Importance of miscellaneous items in survival situations

According to Primal Survivor, miscellaneous items can improve your chances of survival and make the situation more comfortable. Primal Survivor recommends having multiple uses for items, such as duct tape or paracord.

DIY tips for miscellaneous items

In addition to having miscellaneous items, it's important to know how to use them in case of an emergency. Here are some DIY tips:

  • How to use duct tape for repairs
  • How to make a paracord bracelet
  • How to use a multi-tool

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on miscellaneous items and the necessary equipment to have, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.


In conclusion, being prepared for a survival situation can mean the difference between life and death. By having the necessary equipment and knowledge, you can increase your chances of survival and stay safe.

Importance of being prepared

According to Survival World, being prepared for a disaster is essential. Survival World recommends having a plan and practicing it regularly to be prepared for any situation.

Final thoughts

Remember that the essential items for survival are food, water, shelter, first aid, security, and miscellaneous items, as mentioned by Primal Survivor, Backdoor Survival, and Survival World. It's also important to have knowledge of DIY tips and improvise when necessary.

By being prepared and having the necessary equipment and knowledge, you can stay safe and protect yourself and your loved ones in any survival situation.

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on prepping gear and survival supplies, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources for prepping gear and survival supplies:

Backdoor Survival

Backdoor Survival offers a variety of resources for survival and prepping, including gear reviews, DIY tips, and survival guides.

Attainable Sustainable

Attainable Sustainable provides information on sustainable living and emergency preparedness, including a stockpile list for emergency supplies.

Man of Many

Man of Many offers a variety of product reviews and recommendations, including survival gear and prepping supplies.

Survival World

Survival World provides information on survival techniques and gear, including prepper supplies and emergency kits.

Primal Survivor

Primal Survivor offers a variety of resources for survival and prepping, including gear reviews, DIY tips, and survival guides.

Link to Primal Survivor article

For more information on prepping gear and survival supplies, check out Primal Survivor's Ultimate Prepper Supplies and Gear List.

Thanks for Reading!

Thank you for reading our article on must-have prepping gear and survival supplies. We hope you found this information useful and informative.

Stay Prepared

Remember to stay prepared for any situation by having the necessary equipment and knowledge. By being prepared, you can stay safe and protect yourself and your loved ones in any survival situation.

Check Out Our Other Content

Don't forget to check out our other great content on survival and prepping, including DIY tips, gear reviews, and survival guides.


Who needs must-have prepping gear and survival supplies?

Everyone needs prepping gear and survival supplies to stay safe in emergencies.

What are the must-have prepping gear and survival supplies?

The essential items for survival are food, water, shelter, first aid, security, and miscellaneous items.

How can I customize my prepping gear and survival supplies?

Customize your gear based on your individual needs and the environment you will be in.

What if I can't afford all the prepping gear and survival supplies?

Start building your kit one item at a time and focus on the essentials like food, water, and shelter.

How often should I rotate my emergency supplies?

Rotate your supplies through regular meals and use a first in, first out method to keep them fresh.

What if I don't have access to clean water in a survival situation?

Use water filters and purification tablets, or collect rainwater if possible.

Best prepping gear and survival supplies
Are you prepared for the unexpected? Don't leave your survival up to chance. Invest in the best prepping gear and survival supplies available and be ready for anything.Visit My Patriot Supply for a list of the top 10 must-have items for survival and start building your emergency kit today.