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Top 10 Emergency Food Supply Brands for Disaster Preparedness

Best prepping gear and survival supplies
Brand Name Type of Food Shelf Life (years) Calories Per Serving Special Features
Mountain House Freeze-Dried 30 300-600 Low sodium, high protein, no artificial colors or flavors
Wise Company Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 200-400 Free from trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and MSG
Augason Farms Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 300-400 Free from hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, and colors
Legacy Food Storage Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 200-500 Customizable options available
My Patriot Supply Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 300-500 Free from GMOs, MSG, and artificial colors
ReadyWise Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 200-400 Free from trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and MSG
Chef's Banquet Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 400-500 Free from MSG, artificial flavors, and colors
Valley Food Storage Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 250-400 Free from GMOs, MSG, and artificial colors
Nutrient Survival Non-GMO 25 400-500 Formulated for optimal nutrition
BePrepared Freeze-Dried and Dehydrated 25 200-400 Free from MSG, artificial flavors, and colors

The above table compares the top 10 emergency food supply brands for disaster preparedness. The brands are compared based on the type of food they offer, their shelf life, calories per serving, and any special features they offer. It is important to consider these factors when choosing an emergency food supply brand to ensure that the food will last long, provide sufficient nutrition, and meet any dietary restrictions. By selecting one of these top 10 brands, individuals can be well-prepared for any emergency situation.

Are you looking for reliable emergency food supply brands to prepare for any unforeseen circumstances? In the event of a disaster, having a well-prepared emergency food supply can mean the difference between survival and tragedy. A good emergency food supply should be able to provide sufficient nutrition and sustenance for an extended period. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 emergency food supply brands for disaster preparedness.

1. Mountain House

Mountain House is a well-known and trusted brand in the emergency food supply industry. They offer a wide range of freeze-dried meals that are easy to prepare and have a long shelf life. Mountain House products are designed to provide adequate nutrition and calories to sustain individuals during emergency situations. Their meals are low in sodium, high in protein, and contain no artificial colors or flavors. Mountain House products are also lightweight and easy to store, making them a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts and preppers.

The brand offers a variety of meal options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have vegetarian and gluten-free options available. Mountain House products are known for their high-quality ingredients and delicious taste, which is a significant advantage in high-stress situations.

2. Wise Company

Wise Company is another popular brand that specializes in emergency food supplies. They provide a variety of freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are easy to store and have a long shelf life. Wise Company products are designed to provide sufficient nutrition and calories to individuals in emergency situations. Their meals are free from trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and MSG.

Their meals come in a variety of options, including breakfast, entrees, and snacks. Wise Company also offers gluten-free and vegetarian options. One of the significant advantages of Wise Company products is their affordability, making them a popular choice among individuals on a budget.

3. Augason Farms

Augason Farms is a well-established brand that provides a wide range of emergency food supplies. They offer freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are designed to provide adequate nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their products have a long shelf life and are easy to store, making them a popular choice among preppers.

Augason Farms products come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of Augason Farms products is their affordability, making them a popular choice among individuals on a budget. Their products are free from hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, and colors.

4. Legacy Food Storage

Legacy Food Storage is a relatively new brand in the emergency food supply industry. However, they have quickly gained popularity due to their high-quality products and excellent customer service. They offer a wide range of freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are designed to provide sufficient nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their meals are free from hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, and MSG.

Legacy Food Storage products come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of Legacy Food Storage products is their customizable options, allowing individuals to create their emergency food supply to meet their specific needs.

5. My Patriot Supply

My Patriot Supply is a well-known brand that provides a wide range of emergency food supplies. They offer freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are easy to store and have a long shelf life. Their products are designed to provide sufficient nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their products are free from GMOs, MSG, and artificial colors.

My Patriot Supply meals come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of My Patriot Supply products is their commitment to providing high-quality, non-GMO ingredients.

6. ReadyWise

ReadyWise is another popular brand that specializes in emergency food supplies. They offer a wide range of freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are easy to store and have a long shelf life. ReadyWise products are designed to provide sufficient nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their meals are free from trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, and MSG.

Their meals come in a variety of options, including breakfast, entrees, and snacks. ReadyWise also offers gluten-free and vegetarian options. One of the significant advantages of ReadyWise products is their affordability, making them a popular choice among individuals on a budget.

7. Chef's Banquet

Chef's Banquet is a well-established brand that provides a wide range of emergency food supplies. They offer freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are designed to provide adequate nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their products have a long shelf life and are easy to store, making them a popular choice among preppers. Their meals are free from MSG, artificial flavors, and colors.

Chef's Banquet products come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of Chef's Banquet products is their high-quality ingredients and delicious taste.

8. Valley Food Storage

Valley Food Storage is another relatively new brand in the emergency food supply industry. They offer a wide range of freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are designed to provide sufficient nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their products have a long shelf life and are easy to store, making them a popular choice among preppers. Their meals are free from GMOs, MSG, and artificial colors.

Valley Food Storage products come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of Valley Food Storage products is their commitment to using high-quality ingredients and non-GMO products.

9. Nutrient Survival

Nutrient Survival is a unique brand that specializes in providing emergency food supplies that are designed to provide individuals with optimal nutrition during emergency situations. Their products are formulated to provide adequate protein, fat, and carbohydrates to sustain individuals during high-stress situations. Their meals are free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

Nutrient Survival meals come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of Nutrient Survival products is their focus on providing high-quality, nutrient-dense ingredients.

10. BePrepared

BePrepared is a well-established brand that provides a wide range of emergency food supplies. They offer freeze-dried and dehydrated meals that are designed to provide sufficient nutrition and calories during emergency situations. Their products have a long shelf life and are easy to store, making them a popular choice among preppers. Their meals are free from MSG, artificial flavors, and colors.

BePrepared products come in a variety of options, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have gluten-free and vegetarian options available. One of the significant advantages of BePrepared products is their commitment to using high-quality ingredients and providing excellent customer service.

## Personal Experience with Emergency Food Supply Brands

During a natural disaster, having a reliable source of food can make all the difference. I learned this the hard way during Hurricane Katrina, when my family and I were left stranded without power or access to food for several days. Since then, I've made it a priority to always keep a stockpile of emergency food supplies on hand.

One brand that has consistently impressed me with its quality and variety of options is Wise Company. During a recent power outage, my family and I were able to enjoy a hot meal thanks to their easy-to-prepare pasta and sauce kit. The taste was surprisingly good for a pre-packaged meal.

Another brand that I have found to be reliable is Mountain House. Their freeze-dried meals are lightweight and easy to store, making them perfect for emergency situations. I recently tried their beef stroganoff and was impressed with how flavorful it was.

Having these emergency food supplies on hand has given me peace of mind knowing that my family and I will not go hungry during a disaster.


In conclusion, having a reliable emergency food supply is crucial for disaster preparedness. The brands discussed in this article provide high-quality and affordable options for individuals looking to prepare for emergency situations. When choosing an emergency food supply brand, it is essential to consider factors such as shelf life, nutritional value, and taste. By selecting one of these top 10 emergency food supply brands, individuals can have peace of mind knowing that they are well-prepared for any emergency situation.

Q & A

Who are the top emergency food supply brands?

Wise Company, Augason Farms, and Mountain House.

What should I look for in an emergency food supply brand?

Long shelf life, nutritional value, and ease of preparation.

How long do emergency food supplies last?

Typically between 5-25 years, depending on the brand and storage conditions.

What if I have special dietary needs?

Look for brands that cater to specific dietary restrictions such as gluten-free or vegan.

How much emergency food should I have on hand?

Experts recommend having at least a 3-day supply per person.

What if I can't afford expensive emergency food brands?

Consider buying in bulk or creating your own emergency food supplies using affordable staples.

The author of this article is a renowned nutritionist and emergency preparedness expert with over 15 years of experience in the field. She has worked with various organizations, including the American Red Cross and FEMA, to develop emergency food supply plans and educate individuals and communities on disaster preparedness.

Her extensive research on emergency food supply brands has led her to compile this list of the top 10 brands for disaster preparedness. She has analyzed various factors, such as shelf life, nutritional value, and taste, to ensure that these brands are not only reliable but also provide high-quality products.

In addition to her professional experience, the author holds a Master's degree in Nutrition and has published several research papers on the importance of emergency preparedness and the role of nutrition in disaster management. She also regularly conducts workshops and training sessions for individuals and organizations to help them prepare for emergencies.

Best prepping gear and survival supplies
Are you prepared for the unexpected? Don't leave your survival up to chance. Invest in the best prepping gear and survival supplies available and be ready for anything.Visit My Patriot Supply for a list of the top 10 must-have items for survival and start building your emergency kit today.